• The Quality of the Water You Have and Use in Your Home MATTERS.

    The quality of the water you have and use in your home MATTERS.

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    Hard Water Causes Problems!! It wreaks havoc on your plumbing, appliances, and fixtures. Hard water can end the life of your plumbing fixtures, faucets, appliances, and more! A water refiner like ours will help you SAVE MONEY while obtaining the best quality water for the money. Many customers save over $100/month in water bottles, detergents, cleaners, and soaps on top of the savings from not having to replace appliances and fixtures as often.

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    Dissolved Rock in Hard Water Can Quickly Add Up to As Much As this 50lb Rock in The Sink! That's at Just 5gr/gal while most of the Rio Grande Valley has Levels of OVER 30gr/gal!!!!

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    Soft Water vs Hard Water On Your Appliances. As you can see it's obvious which one is a better choice! Call/Message us today so we can help you schedule a FREE Water Test!

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    It's a MAYTAG -- so you KNOW it will be around a good long time. Lifetime Limited Warranty


    • Save by reducing detergents and cleaning supplies

    • Increase the life expectancy of all your water using appliances, faucets, fixtures, and plumbing

    • "Fresh Squeezed" RO water eliminates bottled water costs and reduces drink mixes by 25%

    • Enjoy the benefits of softer hair and skin without the adverse effects of chlorine and chemical byproducts of chlorinated water supplies

    • Reduce household cleaning

    • Extend the life of clothing/textiles

    • President's Cancer Panel recommends drinking purified tap water, not bottled water.

  • How It Works



    Unconditioned water enters the mineral tank, which contains a proprietary filtering media that acts like a magnet, attracting the undesirable contaminants to its surface and separating the contaminants from the water.


    Then, the clean treated water flows back up the riser tube to be distributed throughout your home.


    Next, treated water from the brine tank -- the mineral tank's trusty sidekick -- recharges the filtering media so your water treatment system can stay ready to treat your water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.



    Even with all the work and effort put into providing good clean water to homes and businesses, the fact is that your water can easily still contain contaminants that are potentially harmful to you, your family, your home, and your fixtures and appliances. 

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  • How Clean and Safe is Your Water -- REALLY?

    Schedule a FREE comprehensive test that shows just how clean (or NOT) the water is in your home! No obligation water quality test will be performed by one of our awesome

    Water Softener Brownsville Texas Rio Grande Valley